
Friday, 8 June 2012

Lords and Ladies Make it Two in a Row With Win Over Unstable Isotopes

For the second consecutive game, your Lords and Ladies put up a score of runs, in a curfew shortened game against Homer Simpson's favourite team, the Isotopes.

The Lords and Ladies stumbled out of the gate, scoring only 3 runs in the first two innings, but finished strong. Fifteen Lords and Ladies went to bat in the top of the fifth to drive in 11 runs and put this one away.

"We can't keep winning, they'll move us to Intermediate!" said no one in particular, but they're right. If the team keep ploughing through other teams like this, they'll move the Lords and Ladies up to the Intermediate division for the second half of the season, where we'll be surely annihilated.

Not everything was sunshine and lollypops, though. After being the leadoff hitter for 3 consecutive years, Stumpy's demotion to second in the order has obviously affected his ego. He struggled, getting only one hit in 4 plate appearances. Obviously, Stumpy doesn't like it in the two-hole.

Meaghan, on the other hand, has found her groove. Instead of flailing wildly at the ball, she's decided she's content to stand there and watch pitches go by. The results are promising: 3 walks in 3 plate appearances, for a perfect 1.000 on-base percentage. "Well at least I look pretty as I stand there!", she said.


  • Mike and his gimpy knee, hitting a double and an inside-the-park grand slam. The contract for that Aleve endorsement deal will be arriving shortly.
  • Jeremy broke out, with two doubles, a triple and 4 RBI.
  • Meaghan, Rakhi, Chris Mason and Diana all had a perfect 1.000 OBP game.

Game MVP goes to Mike for his spectacular offensive display.

Best Dressed again goes to Jeremy, but there's talk of a coup.

REMINDER! The team is getting new jerseys, so please don't forget to email the team's email address with your size, your number and the name you want on the back!

Next game is Tuesday June 12 at 4:30 on Kinsmen North. See you all there!

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