
Friday, 6 July 2012

As Expected, New Uniforms Spark Lords and Ladies Offence

Guest Blog Post by Diana.

Great game everyone... here is the pic with the new shirts... we will take another one next week to make sure we have at least everyone in a group pic of some sort.  If you are wondering what the other two pics are...
Diana points to where "the thinky part" lives.

I was best dressed since Jeremy was away...why? I had the matching glasses, manicure, socks, purple mechanical leg, and pearl earrings (ed note: Someone should finish that off with a pearl necklace) to top off the look.  Thank you Meaghan for the nomination.  Meaghan was the most injured.  Her pic illustrates some of her wounds.

Meaghan's tumble over the safe line at home plate caused irreparable damage to her lip, dislocated shoulder, and contorted finger.

She tried to impersonate her lovely bf's (ed note: Husband)  dive/fall  to first with a catastrophic ankle duster at home.  Blood and all she came out with a smile!  Thanks Tim for the nomination for player of the game!  Way to go Alex with the inside-the-park home run that gave us many RBIs but your run didn't count as we reached our ten for the inning... Also, Mike's inside-the-park home run was awesome and speedy!  Tim was a great first baseman and threw the ball to the pitcher with authority every time he caught it.  Rakhi scored some solid hits and her base running was phenomenal...  Erick switched from outfield to 3rd and played solid, holding down the baseline.  Rob ended the game with the super catch along with some great batting.  Chris pitched all game, even when life gave him lemons with a quad pull... he pushed through the last inning to close with a major win!

Boston Pizza was fun!


  1. You missed the new rule: Stumpy's no longer allowed to call off Diana on fly-up balls. If he does, Diana reserves the right to knock him down. Sorry Stumpy, we still love you. Really. :)

    Also pitcher injury: An annual event. Get better soon Chris.

    Chris and Meaghan: Ever thought of joining Cirque Du Soleil? It appears as if you're both good at flying through mid-air, although the landings leave a bit to be desired.

    Also a shout-out for great in-fielding goes to Rakhi.

    Have we ever, EVER, in the history of the team earned 2 mercy-innings before? I may be wrong, but I don't think so. Certainly not in the last 5 years. Way to go team!

    BBQ next Wednesday post-game at my place, hope to see everyone there.

  2. One item for improvement, does anybody know what the final score was, or does it even matter.

    Good comments Wildman, I think K8 is going to have to come back from her hiatus gunning for the full-time job at 1st.
