
Monday, 20 August 2012

Lords and Ladies score versus Class IV

After losing the lowest scoring game in the history of recreational softball (you can look it up), the Lords and Ladies returned, playing for a second consecutive day, to defeat Class IV Power, 19-12.

The game began brilliantly, with lead off hitter Pete crushing an inside-the-park home run, followed by a single by Alex, then another inside-the-park home run by Jeremy. All told, the Lords and Ladies scored 10 runs in the first inning, and cruised the rest of the way.


Pete - 3-for-4, with 5 RBI
Jeremy - 4-for-4, 2 home runs and 4 RBI
Snowman - 3-for-3, 2 RBI

Mike, who tried to stretch a triple into a home run, though in the process he did hit the ball farther than anyone else in this game.

Next game for the Lords and Ladies is Tuesday August 21, at home versus Fission Chips on Kinsmen South.


  1. What? no MVP?
    I vote for Jeremy as the game MVP for having 2 home runs in one game. He is now the one and only member of the 2HR in one game club. With a bunch of excellent catches to boot.
    MVP, MVP, MVP.

  2. I vote for Eric as the MVP,
    He saved 3 runs from coming in home, with 2 in a row in 1 inning.
    Let's go Stumpy,

  3. I vote the Kool-Aid man for MVP.

    Ohhhhh YEAH!!!!!!!
