
Tuesday 9 July 2013

"Immense Puddle" causes FIRST EVER Lords and Ladies forfeit

"Immense Puddle" causes FIRST EVER Lords and Ladies Forfeit

Lords and Ladies player spots immense puddle on field.

Lords and Ladies had their first ever forfeit against Balls Deep last week as the vacation/work flu hit hard and one player saw an immense puddle.  The puddle was so immense that there were reports of the following:
  1. A pod of Orca whales were seen migrating all the way to their northern feeding grounds
  2. The lost city of Atlantis
  3. Crocodiles were seen on the edges of the immense puddle
  4. Scuba Divers after hearing the lost city had been found
  5. The body of Jimmy Hoffa
Based on all these reported sightings, one player felt it was simply too dangerous to play.  I would have to agree as playing in an area with Orca whales and Crocodiles is pretty dangerous.  Unfortunately, for the ladies the immense puddle was drained by the superb water management crew and there were no evidence to support the alleged sightings.  The game continued with the hope that either Aubrey or Steve or Brian could save the day.  Unfortunately, it was not to be.  

Regardless, 2 innings were played and Lords and Ladies were definitely ahead, but due to the forfeit they fell 20-10.

Highlights of the game:
  • Diana A. went 2 for 2 with 2 singles, 2 Runs, and 2 RBIs
  • Diana B. went 1 for 2 with a triple, 1 run, and 2 RBIs not to mention an outstanding catch at Shortstop to rob Balls Deep from a huge inning.
  • Paul in his pitching debut did well to keep Balls Deep in play, with only one player going deep on him.

From other weeks...

Charlie Hustle's shoes finally caught on tape...

After weeks of being too fast to photograph, Brendon finally caught up with Charlie Hustle.  Charlie obliged Brendon by posing for a photograph of those now infamous shoes (see below)

Just looking at those shoes should make anyone envious, there must be some magic in them shoes.

The Great Pickering Goose Roundup

It has been noticed that "Goose" over the past couple of weeks has not been mentioning the prevalence of Geese or their $#!% on the field the last couple of weeks.  Our investigative reporter, Wifey, discovered that prior to the Canada Day weekend, the city of Pickering roundup all the geese at the waterfront.   

In my opinion, the lack of Geese and their $#!% could be affecting "Goose's" power as it is known he draws power from their $#!%.  Sort of like the Green Lantern, just instead with Green Goose $#!%.  Hopefully, the birds will come back in time to $#!% on the field in time for playoffs.

Votes are IN - Tim receives 4 UNICORN Points (now at 6 Total)

Next Game:  Thursday 11-JUL @ 5 PM vs. WTF Collective

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