The afternoon of Thursday July 3rd looked gloomy, with big black clouds and rumbles of thunder, similar to how the softball game would play-out for the Lords and Ladies..... a Gloomy loss against the Forced Outages, that had circumstances been slightly different, we likely could have won.
Things started on the up and up, with the Lords and Ladies pulling well ahead in the first few innings. There were some highlights, like Crowley's and Wade's pitcher-first baseman tag-team plays. Another highlight was Tim's home run, which certainly should have only been a single had the FO's been able to field the ball without it slipping out of their hands. Diana, Brandy and Brian made some fabulous stops to prevent the ball from rolling deep into the grass, and Margo got a big 'out' or maybe two at second base. Meanwhile, Andrew held a picnic at Right Field, and invited the Forced Outage players to hit over towards him so he could at least get his hand on the ball once.
The Forced Outages made some (or many) critical errors throughout the game, and for the first time in the season the Lords and Ladies called an 'out' on an opponent runner's massive lead-off from first base (note; the lead-off started well before any swing). There were some close calls on both sides, but still by the bottom of the 5th the 'Ladies were well ahead.
Then something happened. Either the Lords and Ladies got tired, or more likely perhaps they got a little over confident. In the sixth (or was it the 7th?) an un-named player (let's call him 'Goose') started to round second base, trying for a triple, only to stop after rounding second and watch as the ball made its way back to the infield. As 'Goose' dawdled back to second he taunted the fielder who held the ball, only to get it slapped on his butt milliseconds before reaching his foot out to touch second base. 'Out' was the call. Another encounter had a L & L member stand after a hit and watch the ball almost get caught, get fumbled, and then make it to first base before the batter had really started to take-off for the bag. Combined with a few good hits from the opposition, The Forced Outages began to claw their way back.
Going into the seventh inning the score was 11-9 for the Lords and Ladies. Starting off batting the FO's knew that a win was within their grasp, and had a massive inning to put them ahead 14-11. Knowing that it was now or never, the 'Ladies tried to make a comeback, but failed to get-in any runs (if I remember correctly.... the score sheet's in my garage, so maybe we did get one run in). Regardless we didn't get enough to pull back ahead, and we held our heads low and held an impromptu batting practice.
Have no fear, Tuesday August 26th will bring us a chance to redeem ourselves, as we'll be facing the Forced Outages once more. In the meantime the coach has ordered us a pallet of steroids to 'bulk-up'; our new secret weapon. Or maybe we'll just focus on a few key skills during the games ahead, like staying-put on a base when the ball is 3 feet in front of you. :) Sorry Goose. No matter though, a fun time was had, and we enjoyed the team's company a bit longer at the Courtyard Pub.
Next game is Thursday July 10 at 5:00pm, again on the Kinsmen South diamond, against the fearful-looking RCMT team. This is the make-up for last week's rain-out. Focus of the game will be batters running hard after their hits. :P
See you then!
Chronicling the soaring highs, crushing lows and creamy middles of the OPGSPA's favourite softball team!
Friday, 4 July 2014
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Rain, Thunder, & Sunshine Bring Out The Best
June 3 started out as a wet day, then sunny and dry, then come game-time some big puffy dark clouds and a few clasps of thunder threatened what could surely be an epic game. Team captains throughout the land (ie: the Kinsmen fields) called-off their games, but the Nuclear Fissionaries and the Lords and Ladies had faith that they would be spared from the heavens above. With minutes until game-time, things were looking rather bleak, with reports coming-in of an epic storm in nearby Oshawa, Markham, and Pickering Towne Centre. The captains' had faith that the furor above wouldn't hit them, although their hopes were bleak as a brief downpour delayed field set-up.
Then their luck changed, the skies somewhat cleared, a ray of sunshine came-through, and field set-up and de-watering commenced. Goose showed his might in his puddle-raking abilities, and soon the 'Ladies were ready to play. The day's line-up brought-out for the first time this season original team member 'Poop' Jeff, and the dainty slugger 'Princess' Diana.
Just as the 'Ladies were about to step-up to bat in the first, Margo showed-up with a birthday-cake for Goose, who was turning sweet-sixteen (or so) that day. A rendition of "Happy Birthday" was rung-out in his honour, to which the opponents could be heard saying "What a lame team cheer". L & L weren't deterred, and captain-Wildman promised the 'Ladies they could eat cake only if they won and if Goose hit a home-run.
The first two innings were a little hair-raising, with the Nuclear Fissionaries pulling ahead 3-1 at the bottom of the second. But the clouds and thunder moved-on to Oshawa and places further afield, and 'fair-weather' commenced; the secret to L&L's success. The third inning brought the first mercy-inning of L&L's season, with them scoring 10 runs, including 3 runs from Brendon's bounce-off-the-fence-top home-run-single (since he didn't make it home due to too many runs in).
Highlights of the game include killer-catches by Andrew, Ron, and Brendon in outfield, the Wildman trying his hand at third and first (and evening having a big catch at third), a solid double-play getting 'outs' at second then first (my memory's short, but we'll give Brandy, Diana, and Kate credit for that...... sorry if I got it wrong). Paul tried-out as back-up pitcher, Jeff got an out or 2 at Home Plate, Diana had a few solid catches and brought-back her dynamic lightning-throws to Kate, and Wade brought the team good-news on the jersey front. Heavy hitting was made by everyone too.
The last few innings went by quickly, with the 'Ladies failing to score any runs, but with the Nuclear Fissionaries getting in very few of their own too. Good defence on both sides. Final score 14-8 for L & L.
To celebrate their 2-win winning streak and Goose's special day, victory-cake was served to all, and the team easily demolished it.
Next game is the exhibition-game, 4:30 Wednesday June 11 at Kinsmen North against S-99 (the 'new-be team'), followed by Thursday June 12 at 5:00pm at PARC West, against another new team, the Dingers.
Check your email for info on the jerseys! Also, pencil-in to your calendars Friday August 22nd as a possible Blue Jays baseball game night-out.
See ya next week. :)
Then their luck changed, the skies somewhat cleared, a ray of sunshine came-through, and field set-up and de-watering commenced. Goose showed his might in his puddle-raking abilities, and soon the 'Ladies were ready to play. The day's line-up brought-out for the first time this season original team member 'Poop' Jeff, and the dainty slugger 'Princess' Diana.
Just as the 'Ladies were about to step-up to bat in the first, Margo showed-up with a birthday-cake for Goose, who was turning sweet-sixteen (or so) that day. A rendition of "Happy Birthday" was rung-out in his honour, to which the opponents could be heard saying "What a lame team cheer". L & L weren't deterred, and captain-Wildman promised the 'Ladies they could eat cake only if they won and if Goose hit a home-run.
The first two innings were a little hair-raising, with the Nuclear Fissionaries pulling ahead 3-1 at the bottom of the second. But the clouds and thunder moved-on to Oshawa and places further afield, and 'fair-weather' commenced; the secret to L&L's success. The third inning brought the first mercy-inning of L&L's season, with them scoring 10 runs, including 3 runs from Brendon's bounce-off-the-fence-top home-run-single (since he didn't make it home due to too many runs in).
Highlights of the game include killer-catches by Andrew, Ron, and Brendon in outfield, the Wildman trying his hand at third and first (and evening having a big catch at third), a solid double-play getting 'outs' at second then first (my memory's short, but we'll give Brandy, Diana, and Kate credit for that...... sorry if I got it wrong). Paul tried-out as back-up pitcher, Jeff got an out or 2 at Home Plate, Diana had a few solid catches and brought-back her dynamic lightning-throws to Kate, and Wade brought the team good-news on the jersey front. Heavy hitting was made by everyone too.
The last few innings went by quickly, with the 'Ladies failing to score any runs, but with the Nuclear Fissionaries getting in very few of their own too. Good defence on both sides. Final score 14-8 for L & L.
Next game is the exhibition-game, 4:30 Wednesday June 11 at Kinsmen North against S-99 (the 'new-be team'), followed by Thursday June 12 at 5:00pm at PARC West, against another new team, the Dingers.
Check your email for info on the jerseys! Also, pencil-in to your calendars Friday August 22nd as a possible Blue Jays baseball game night-out.
See ya next week. :)
Friday, 30 May 2014
Big Comeback for first win of the season
It has been a long-known fact that the Lords and Ladies are a fair-weather team, and they perform best when given with the best conditions. In fact a full decade of L & L stats support this. So with May 29th bringing with it 'perfect fair weather' for a ball game, the crowd was excited and there was almost a stampede to obtain tickets for what promised to be a thrilling match. Too bad the Stub-Hub Internet bots had bought-out all the seats in the first 1.2 seconds of the tickets being available. Regardless the temperature was moderate, the humidity was low, the sun was shining, and the wind was non-existent. A field closure from the City of Pickering due to damaged drainage on PARC East relocated the Lords and Ladies game to the perfectly dry and goose-poo free PARC West field. Even the John-Deer tractor raking guy spent extra time making sure the field was perfect. Everything was lined-up for a solid game.
So with Acu-Poke Brian back in the line-up, and heavy-hitter Paul fresh out of the Operating Room ready to slug some balls, the team was in for a big game against the mighty 'Up and Atom'. During warm-up surveillance Up and Atom was observed to have some fresh talent of their own, with a gazelle playing in the field, and a fielder/back-up pitcher with new-tech bright red 'Power-shorts' and matching shoes. To try and throw-off and confuse the 'Ladies fielders, Up & Atom dressed their heavy-hitter and light-hitter in matching neon-blue shirts too. Obviously they new that L&L was a force to be reckoned with.
Thus in the top of the first the Ladies were up to bat. With Brandy at lead-off she pulled-through with a powerful hit and made it on the bag. Safe! Wade as number 2 delivered a slug-hit, followed by Pete. Acu-Poke Brian showed he had been training during the off season and performed a mighty-sprint to first base. Then Up & Atom pulled their act together, getting-out Denise, Brendon, and Kate. 2 runs L & L, almost as many as their total runs in the previous game! The bottom of the first led to 2 runs from Up and Atom, and the game was tied.
The second inning showed that Up and Atom had game. The gazelle made a few flying leap catches, and Andrew, Tim and Paul were all quickly up then out. Only newbie Margo made it safely to first base. With Up and Atom gaining three runs in the second for a score of 5-2, the crowds started to worry.
Then in the third inning L&L learned that they had to work for it. Five solid runs were delivered (Brandy, Wade, Pete, Brendon, and Brian), and only 2 runs were let-in. Unfortunately for the Ladies, one of those Up & Atom runs was a 'bounce the ball off the top of the fence' out-of-the-park home run, showing that the opposing team could really hit. Tie game 7-7 going into the fourth. Now the excitement starts!
The fourth inning delivered five more runs for the 'Ladies (Paul, Brandy, Pete, Denise, Brendon), and the gazelle proved yet-again that it was capable of flying-leap catches of every ball that Tim put out into the field, no matter where it was placed. Fortunately the 'Ladies got their fielding together to stop any Up & Atom runs, bringing them ahead. The secret power of the Moe-K8 combo at pitcher/first was beginning to deliver. Brendon at left-field made a big catch too, and everyone else also had great fielding! 12-7 for the Ladies, going into the fifth. Were they going to make it?
In the 5th Up and Atom made a big come-back, only letting in 1 run (Paul), while gaining 4 runs themselves. Close game, 13-11 for the Ladies.
This just fuelled the 'Ladies fire for the 6th, who knew they had what it would take to win. Brendon started the 6th off with a huge over-the-fence home run, showing Up and Atom that they were quite capeable of hitting out of the park too. Andrew, Tim, Margo and Paul also made it into home before Up and Atom got their third out. Then in the bottom of the inning, L&L prevented any more Up & Atom runs. Wade did his position-dance around the field so people could take turns sitting-out and took third base, putting Brian into his former back-catcher role for an inning, so he could call a few extra 'balls' with a smile. L&L pulled-ahead for a score of 18-11.
Going into the 7th, L&L knew they almost had it, barring any disaster. Fortunately none came, except for Brendon's big stumble at first when Brian's hard-drive was caught by the pitcher and in the same action almost thrown in a Zeus-like lightning bolt throw to first. Nice stumble and recovery flying-leap back to the bag with your finger-tips touching Brendon! A single run was delivered. At the bottom of the 7th, the Lords & Ladies did what they had done twice before. No runs were let in, with a final big-win score of 19-11, as expected for a fair-weather L&L game. The crowd went wild, and new manager Wildman was taken off probation and given full-time status.
To celebrate their first big win of the 10th anniversary season, the Lords and Ladies hit-up the Courtyard patio, who rewarded their victory with a free platter of greasy but oh-so-yummy eats. Next time we're going to ask for peppermint teas and blankets instead, along with propane heaters.
Next game is Tuesday June 3rd at 5:00pm on PARC West. See you then!!! :)
So with Acu-Poke Brian back in the line-up, and heavy-hitter Paul fresh out of the Operating Room ready to slug some balls, the team was in for a big game against the mighty 'Up and Atom'. During warm-up surveillance Up and Atom was observed to have some fresh talent of their own, with a gazelle playing in the field, and a fielder/back-up pitcher with new-tech bright red 'Power-shorts' and matching shoes. To try and throw-off and confuse the 'Ladies fielders, Up & Atom dressed their heavy-hitter and light-hitter in matching neon-blue shirts too. Obviously they new that L&L was a force to be reckoned with.
Thus in the top of the first the Ladies were up to bat. With Brandy at lead-off she pulled-through with a powerful hit and made it on the bag. Safe! Wade as number 2 delivered a slug-hit, followed by Pete. Acu-Poke Brian showed he had been training during the off season and performed a mighty-sprint to first base. Then Up & Atom pulled their act together, getting-out Denise, Brendon, and Kate. 2 runs L & L, almost as many as their total runs in the previous game! The bottom of the first led to 2 runs from Up and Atom, and the game was tied.
The second inning showed that Up and Atom had game. The gazelle made a few flying leap catches, and Andrew, Tim and Paul were all quickly up then out. Only newbie Margo made it safely to first base. With Up and Atom gaining three runs in the second for a score of 5-2, the crowds started to worry.
Then in the third inning L&L learned that they had to work for it. Five solid runs were delivered (Brandy, Wade, Pete, Brendon, and Brian), and only 2 runs were let-in. Unfortunately for the Ladies, one of those Up & Atom runs was a 'bounce the ball off the top of the fence' out-of-the-park home run, showing that the opposing team could really hit. Tie game 7-7 going into the fourth. Now the excitement starts!
The fourth inning delivered five more runs for the 'Ladies (Paul, Brandy, Pete, Denise, Brendon), and the gazelle proved yet-again that it was capable of flying-leap catches of every ball that Tim put out into the field, no matter where it was placed. Fortunately the 'Ladies got their fielding together to stop any Up & Atom runs, bringing them ahead. The secret power of the Moe-K8 combo at pitcher/first was beginning to deliver. Brendon at left-field made a big catch too, and everyone else also had great fielding! 12-7 for the Ladies, going into the fifth. Were they going to make it?
In the 5th Up and Atom made a big come-back, only letting in 1 run (Paul), while gaining 4 runs themselves. Close game, 13-11 for the Ladies.
This just fuelled the 'Ladies fire for the 6th, who knew they had what it would take to win. Brendon started the 6th off with a huge over-the-fence home run, showing Up and Atom that they were quite capeable of hitting out of the park too. Andrew, Tim, Margo and Paul also made it into home before Up and Atom got their third out. Then in the bottom of the inning, L&L prevented any more Up & Atom runs. Wade did his position-dance around the field so people could take turns sitting-out and took third base, putting Brian into his former back-catcher role for an inning, so he could call a few extra 'balls' with a smile. L&L pulled-ahead for a score of 18-11.
Going into the 7th, L&L knew they almost had it, barring any disaster. Fortunately none came, except for Brendon's big stumble at first when Brian's hard-drive was caught by the pitcher and in the same action almost thrown in a Zeus-like lightning bolt throw to first. Nice stumble and recovery flying-leap back to the bag with your finger-tips touching Brendon! A single run was delivered. At the bottom of the 7th, the Lords & Ladies did what they had done twice before. No runs were let in, with a final big-win score of 19-11, as expected for a fair-weather L&L game. The crowd went wild, and new manager Wildman was taken off probation and given full-time status.
To celebrate their first big win of the 10th anniversary season, the Lords and Ladies hit-up the Courtyard patio, who rewarded their victory with a free platter of greasy but oh-so-yummy eats. Next time we're going to ask for peppermint teas and blankets instead, along with propane heaters.
Next game is Tuesday June 3rd at 5:00pm on PARC West. See you then!!! :)
Friday, 23 May 2014
10th Anniversary Season Opener
*Under New Management*
On May 22, 2014, the Lords & Ladies had their season opener of their 10th anniversary season, against the powerful WTF Collective. To celebrate the anniversary opener, the stands were full and the crowds were wild, and the stadium gave-out free sunflower seeds and peanuts to all to celebrate! Or so we'd like to imagine.
New this year was a change in management. After a triumphant 2013 season, the Lords and Ladies' long standing manager Hubbie-Mike was bought-off by an overseas high-roller team, at a price the L&L's owners just couldn't afford to match. Original team member 'Wildman' Tim was tasked with taking over team management, and given that the season opener wasn't a complete disaster, he may not be fired, at least not just yet.
The Wildman brought-on a few new call-ups, with high potential for grand slam big hits, and flying-leap eagle-eyed catches:
Ronnie - An urban legend, ringer-Ron is ready to cover the entire outfield single-handedly with his speedy sprint. He's a strong contender for dozens of out-of-the-park home runs, based on him having his own bat and also playing in another league. He just must be a super-star!
Margo - After continually upping the bribe to get her to join the team, Margo finally caved-in with an offer of a 500% increase in player base salary. Too bad 500% of $0 is still $0, but we won't tell Margo that. :) Margo brings the full force of tyke T-ball experience to the field, a force that the opposing teams will be knocked off the field with.
Andrew - Hipster Andrew is Margo's other half, and comes as part of the package. Donning his aviator shades and denim jeans to the field, his plan is to distract the other team by looking so smooth they'll forget all about getting the ball into the infield. Watch-out for when he actually wears his sportswear, then you'll know he really means business.
Wade - Wade's enthusiasm is so pumped-up that he's already gone to the tattoo parlour to get a giant L & L emblem inked across his chest. "It gives me hitting power", says Wade. "Just wait until you see how I'll be hitting over the fence every hit, then you'll all be getting one of these."
Brandy - A late call-up from the 2013 season, Brandy's now ready to take on the big-leagues full-time, and has joined L & L for the 2014 season. She's fresh out of off-season Florida training camp with the Blue Jays, and ready to teach the team all the secret tips and tricks of the game.
And so fresh out of the prior-week's training camp, and under the first warm and sunny day of the year, the Lords and Ladies were ready for their first game of the season. Snow-shoes were traded for cleats, a swamped ball diamond was traded for a grassy and dry one, and the team was ready to play-ball!
The game started out slow but well, with the Lords and Ladies holding the field against WTF Collective, preventing any embarrassing mercy-innings, but also just not getting the necessary runs in. Brendon really livened things up with his out of the park home-run, trying to show the new call-ups how to 'get 'er done'. Taking Brendon's lead, Pete ('Moe') hit a deep and far out-of-the park foul, almost knocking-out an innocent soccer player. However the WTF Collective really showed its might in their field, only allowing 3 L & L runs in the entire game.
On the infield side, everything looked promising. Margo got a big and much-needed 'out' at home plate, and K8 made some big catches at first base. Wade quickly picked-up how to tag-team with short-stop Tim, and the combination seemed to get their dance together for a few more 'outs'. Pitcher Moe got-in a couple strike-outs, proving his worth and that he can hit the mat with the best of them. Third baseman Rob got his hand on a ball or two, and managed to make a few key stops to keep the ball in the infield. And styling Andrew even showed-up late in the 6th, to cheer us on and ponder whether he's really worthy of joining such an amazing team!
Not having enough excitement at third, Rob tried his hand at pitching for the 7th inning, for which he earned participation points from the crowd. Sorry Rob, but we'll have to work on that pitching-arm a bit more. :)
In the outfield, 'Goose' Brendon, Ron, Brandy and Denise had their work cut-out for them, as WTF could really place the ball wherever the outfielders weren't. Denise was kept busy with a number of balls placed directly up in the bright sun...... Don't worry Denise, we'll get you welder's goggles for next game so you'll be able to pick-out those balls coming in from the bright ball of fire! Brendon and Ron certainly got their exercise chasing the ball around, and were able to quickly get it to the infield with some big throws. Not to be outdone, Brandy at rover got plenty of pick-ups and also got them to the infield quickly to stop the play.
All in all it was a valiant effort by all involved, and not nearly as crushing a defeat as a score of 21-3 sounds like on the face of it. The next game is 4:30pm on Thursday May 29, on PARC East (unless it's still swamp-like), against Up & Atom. See you there!
On May 22, 2014, the Lords & Ladies had their season opener of their 10th anniversary season, against the powerful WTF Collective. To celebrate the anniversary opener, the stands were full and the crowds were wild, and the stadium gave-out free sunflower seeds and peanuts to all to celebrate! Or so we'd like to imagine.
New this year was a change in management. After a triumphant 2013 season, the Lords and Ladies' long standing manager Hubbie-Mike was bought-off by an overseas high-roller team, at a price the L&L's owners just couldn't afford to match. Original team member 'Wildman' Tim was tasked with taking over team management, and given that the season opener wasn't a complete disaster, he may not be fired, at least not just yet.
The Wildman brought-on a few new call-ups, with high potential for grand slam big hits, and flying-leap eagle-eyed catches:
Ronnie - An urban legend, ringer-Ron is ready to cover the entire outfield single-handedly with his speedy sprint. He's a strong contender for dozens of out-of-the-park home runs, based on him having his own bat and also playing in another league. He just must be a super-star!
Margo - After continually upping the bribe to get her to join the team, Margo finally caved-in with an offer of a 500% increase in player base salary. Too bad 500% of $0 is still $0, but we won't tell Margo that. :) Margo brings the full force of tyke T-ball experience to the field, a force that the opposing teams will be knocked off the field with.
Andrew - Hipster Andrew is Margo's other half, and comes as part of the package. Donning his aviator shades and denim jeans to the field, his plan is to distract the other team by looking so smooth they'll forget all about getting the ball into the infield. Watch-out for when he actually wears his sportswear, then you'll know he really means business.
Wade - Wade's enthusiasm is so pumped-up that he's already gone to the tattoo parlour to get a giant L & L emblem inked across his chest. "It gives me hitting power", says Wade. "Just wait until you see how I'll be hitting over the fence every hit, then you'll all be getting one of these."
Brandy - A late call-up from the 2013 season, Brandy's now ready to take on the big-leagues full-time, and has joined L & L for the 2014 season. She's fresh out of off-season Florida training camp with the Blue Jays, and ready to teach the team all the secret tips and tricks of the game.
And so fresh out of the prior-week's training camp, and under the first warm and sunny day of the year, the Lords and Ladies were ready for their first game of the season. Snow-shoes were traded for cleats, a swamped ball diamond was traded for a grassy and dry one, and the team was ready to play-ball!
The game started out slow but well, with the Lords and Ladies holding the field against WTF Collective, preventing any embarrassing mercy-innings, but also just not getting the necessary runs in. Brendon really livened things up with his out of the park home-run, trying to show the new call-ups how to 'get 'er done'. Taking Brendon's lead, Pete ('Moe') hit a deep and far out-of-the park foul, almost knocking-out an innocent soccer player. However the WTF Collective really showed its might in their field, only allowing 3 L & L runs in the entire game.
On the infield side, everything looked promising. Margo got a big and much-needed 'out' at home plate, and K8 made some big catches at first base. Wade quickly picked-up how to tag-team with short-stop Tim, and the combination seemed to get their dance together for a few more 'outs'. Pitcher Moe got-in a couple strike-outs, proving his worth and that he can hit the mat with the best of them. Third baseman Rob got his hand on a ball or two, and managed to make a few key stops to keep the ball in the infield. And styling Andrew even showed-up late in the 6th, to cheer us on and ponder whether he's really worthy of joining such an amazing team!
Not having enough excitement at third, Rob tried his hand at pitching for the 7th inning, for which he earned participation points from the crowd. Sorry Rob, but we'll have to work on that pitching-arm a bit more. :)
In the outfield, 'Goose' Brendon, Ron, Brandy and Denise had their work cut-out for them, as WTF could really place the ball wherever the outfielders weren't. Denise was kept busy with a number of balls placed directly up in the bright sun...... Don't worry Denise, we'll get you welder's goggles for next game so you'll be able to pick-out those balls coming in from the bright ball of fire! Brendon and Ron certainly got their exercise chasing the ball around, and were able to quickly get it to the infield with some big throws. Not to be outdone, Brandy at rover got plenty of pick-ups and also got them to the infield quickly to stop the play.
All in all it was a valiant effort by all involved, and not nearly as crushing a defeat as a score of 21-3 sounds like on the face of it. The next game is 4:30pm on Thursday May 29, on PARC East (unless it's still swamp-like), against Up & Atom. See you there!
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