Then their luck changed, the skies somewhat cleared, a ray of sunshine came-through, and field set-up and de-watering commenced. Goose showed his might in his puddle-raking abilities, and soon the 'Ladies were ready to play. The day's line-up brought-out for the first time this season original team member 'Poop' Jeff, and the dainty slugger 'Princess' Diana.
Just as the 'Ladies were about to step-up to bat in the first, Margo showed-up with a birthday-cake for Goose, who was turning sweet-sixteen (or so) that day. A rendition of "Happy Birthday" was rung-out in his honour, to which the opponents could be heard saying "What a lame team cheer". L & L weren't deterred, and captain-Wildman promised the 'Ladies they could eat cake only if they won and if Goose hit a home-run.
The first two innings were a little hair-raising, with the Nuclear Fissionaries pulling ahead 3-1 at the bottom of the second. But the clouds and thunder moved-on to Oshawa and places further afield, and 'fair-weather' commenced; the secret to L&L's success. The third inning brought the first mercy-inning of L&L's season, with them scoring 10 runs, including 3 runs from Brendon's bounce-off-the-fence-top home-run-single (since he didn't make it home due to too many runs in).
Highlights of the game include killer-catches by Andrew, Ron, and Brendon in outfield, the Wildman trying his hand at third and first (and evening having a big catch at third), a solid double-play getting 'outs' at second then first (my memory's short, but we'll give Brandy, Diana, and Kate credit for that...... sorry if I got it wrong). Paul tried-out as back-up pitcher, Jeff got an out or 2 at Home Plate, Diana had a few solid catches and brought-back her dynamic lightning-throws to Kate, and Wade brought the team good-news on the jersey front. Heavy hitting was made by everyone too.
The last few innings went by quickly, with the 'Ladies failing to score any runs, but with the Nuclear Fissionaries getting in very few of their own too. Good defence on both sides. Final score 14-8 for L & L.
Next game is the exhibition-game, 4:30 Wednesday June 11 at Kinsmen North against S-99 (the 'new-be team'), followed by Thursday June 12 at 5:00pm at PARC West, against another new team, the Dingers.
Check your email for info on the jerseys! Also, pencil-in to your calendars Friday August 22nd as a possible Blue Jays baseball game night-out.
See ya next week. :)
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