
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Heartbreak in the Rain...

Lords and Ladies are handed their first loss by Arch-nemesis Class IV Power

In a rain-shortened game, the L&L fell to Class IV Power 14-13.  The first inning showed the L&L staying true to form as a fair-weather fielding team.  Who is that center-fielder anyways??? giving up on those missed balls...oh yeah...that's me.  I think Brett Lawrie might have chewed me out on those ones.

As well, team management had to scramble to ensure the requisite number of ladies were present, with Agnes coming off the 3-day DL to play injured at second base.  Diana also nursing injury provided solid defense at the shortstop position.

Keeping with the injured-reserve SPONGEBOB appeared at the game, yes the infamous Brian P******s, showing that he can run faster to first when not wearing a cast on his foot.  Spongebob matched his career best with a 2 for 2 outing at the plate, with 1 RBI, and 1 Run scored.

Other highlights:
  • Brendon  - Player of the game, 3 for 3 with 3 Doubles, 2 RBIs, and 3 runs scored.  Not to mention showing up the starting centre-fielder with his amazing attempted-slide-catch through the beginnings of a lagoon of Goose $#!%
  • Paul adding an Inside-the-Park Home Run to claim the team lead in Home Runs from Jeff Klein.
  • Agnes with the team's first strikeout, an honour usually reserved for Tim aka "Wildman"
  • Chris who avoided season ending injury by running out 2 infield singles in cold weather play.
  • Steve for hitting a huge fair ball out of the park, only to have it called back for a foul.  Plus for using the STEEL REBAR Bat and cracking it over the head of the centre-fielder.
Many good things to cheer about this year, with lots of good offense, suspect defense (aka starting center-fielder) and lots of spirit.

Next game: Tuesday 4-Jun vs. Up & Atom

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