
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Lords and Ladies Photo Contest

Pictures for Everyone!

Thanks to ACU-POKE for sending on these photos, perhaps we should vote on best picture...

And the OSCAR® for best picture goes to...see Survey below...

And the Nominations Are

(A): Acu-Poke

Obviously, the intimidating manner of Acu-Poke, needles and all, resulted in this panicked shot.  The photographer must have endured extreme fear as he stood behind the cage waiting for the elusive and sly Acu-Poke.  Acu-Poke is a very dangerous animal indeed...Perhaps we should submit this for the Pulitzer Prize of Photography...can you feel it...A masterful picture of a very dangerous subject.

 (B): Brendon (aka "Goose")

Once the danger of the Acu-poke had passed, a gentler animal appeared.  Coaxing the photographer to leave the safety of the cage.  This animal would be definitely classified as a "pull to left field" type of hitter.

 (C): Paul (aka "Rookie" or TBD)

A swing of beauty...enough said...

(D): Steve

A beautiful picture.  If you can really zoom in on that face, please do so.  Now that is FOCUS!!!  Unfortunately, I don't think this hit went much past the edge of the picture....Actually, it was a pretty nice double.


(E):Tim, are you wearing Moe's Jersey?

I looked at this picture, and thought, that is a really nice picture of Tim.  The fielders look like they are playing a ball that would be hit by Tim, everyone is enraptured by the classical movements of Tim.  The gentle and deliberate laying the bat down.  The long extension of the arms and legs, all moving to, and in concert to express a very artistic...What a minute???? Tim don't hit left...That's Pete!

(F): Wifey, I broke the camera

Believe it or not, but my horrible posture and swing, not to mention my very un-photogenic physical appearance, actually broke the camera.  My apologies to the two ladies whom are unlikely to win due to the camera being broken...

(G): Two Unidentifiable Women - Impressionist Style

Due to the broken camera, broken by yours truly, these poor women are left to compete hoping that there is a lot of Impressionist Art Lovers out there.  See how the sun captures the beauty of these two unidentifiable women.  The grace with which the colours blur together and burst right off their bat.  If you look closely you can see purples and blue tones in their skin.

1 comment:

  1. Moe...where is your pirouette??? The signature move :)
